Friday, May 8, 2020

Spring forward - The Progress Challenge -

Spring forward - The Progress Challenge - It seems appropriate, on the day that we spring forward on our clocks, to share some things that I enjoyed about another book by Dean Lindsay, The Progress Challenge. (Read my review of his book, Cracking the Networking Code HERE.) Lindsay notes, Change is inevitable, progress is a choice. In his trademark, high-energy style, Lindsay explains how to BE progress to choose progress. He explains the connections between how we think about what we do and doing it, and provides a blueprint for meeting this challenge. He begins the book by asking a question that I believe is relevant for job seekers What is motivational, and are you it? Have you thought about it? He suggests that each of us has the need and the opportunity to be motivated every day of our lives (p 29). He points out, Why else would others listen to us, utilize our services, hire us, be led by us? Right from the start, a key career message. How do you motivate others? What impact do you (or might you) have that will appeal to someone? Lindsay explains how to think about how to move forward and offers many suggestions to help even the most unmotivated candidate shake off the stress, anxiety and general malaise that may be preventing him or her from springing forward. One coping mechanism that I like? #5 Find and Create Humor (p. 138). How many times have you stopped to try to find a single iota of irony or laughter in a situation. If even things are so bad, laughing at it   (or thinking of crazy ways that it could be EVEN WORSE) can sometimes provide a little relief. Can you laugh at yourself? Is there any humor there? If not, maybe creating some would help? The author reminds his readers: Progress does not demand perfection, only persistence (p. 198). How perfectly true! I often remind myself that the Perfect is the enemy of the good if you stay paralyzed, waiting for perfection, its unlikely you will ever move ahead with your plans. Similarly, progress does not need to be perfect, it just needs to be moving, which requires consistent and frequent effort on your part. I enjoyed The Progress Challenge and am sure anyone (job seeker, salesperson, manager, leader, anyone with an eye on the future) will get a lot out of the, yes motivational book, quotes and action plans. Want to receive a free copy? Leave a comment about what motivates you, what is keeping you stuck what you think about any of this! I will choose a winner at random and Dean will send you a copy of his book! (He may even send out several!) Learn more about Dean Lindsay at his website: or follow him on Twitter @DeanLindsay.

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